
Download and
Install Software

To play Poker you need to download our free Betfair Poker software. This should have started automatically.

If it has not started please click on the download button below and follow the on-screen instructions. For further information, please refer to our Download and Install Guide.

Create an account

Create An Account
and Deposit Funds

If you are already a Betfair customer enter your existing Betfair username and password details to login. If you are new to Betfair you can quickly set-up an account by clicking on the Open Account button to complete the registration form.

Click on the Cashier button in the bottom right hand corner of the Poker client to deposit funds into your account by using one of our payment methods or by transferring funds into your Poker account from your Betfair wallet.

Register Deposit Funds
Play and Earn

Play and Earn

You are now ready to go! Start playing and earn your welcome bonus.

If you are new to Poker read our How to Play guide to bring your game up to speed.

How to play Promotions

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